The FabLab Reference List, 2.0

FabLab. Of Machines, Makers and Inventors
The “Starting a FabLab Reference List” post has been mildly popular the past few years, time to write an update. Most noble excuse is that the book “FabLab. Of Machines, Makers and Inventors” is finally available to order from the publisher. It is a good source of more recent insights into FabLabs. A few chapters can also be found online:
- Paulo Blikstein: Digital Fabrication and ‘Making’: The Democratization of Invention http://tltl.stanford.edu/publications/papers-or-book-chapters/digital-fabrication-and-making-democratization-invention
- Peter Troxler: Troxler_Making the 3rd Industrial Revolution
That does not make the rest of the list irrelevant:
- FAB by Neil Gershenfeld (at http://www.amazon.com/FAB-Revolution-Desktop-Computers-Fabrication/dp/0465027458 and Google books)
- Neil’s famous TED talk
- FT on Fablab Manchester
- A German writeup on Fablabs and dev countries
- Here http://brassgoggles.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,23832.msg539627.html#msg539627 is a description of what a Fab Lab can and can’t do, compared to the TechShop concept
- “Open Design Now”, edited by Bas van Abel, Lukas Evers, Roel Klaassen and myself. The book is available from BIS publishers http://www.bispublishers.nl/bookpage.php?id=190 and online at http://opendesignnow.org with a number of FabLab-related articles
- The stuff Jeff Ginger and colleagues are doing with Mini Labs (http://cucfablab.org/sites/cucfablab.org/files/CUCFL%20F8%202012%20Submission%2008.14.2012.pdf)
- The Fab Lab “Tour d’Horizon” by Fabien Eychenne: http://www.slideshare.net/slidesharefing/fab-labs-overview (also available in French at Tour d’horizon des Fab Labs – Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération
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